BitmapApi new -- creates new bitmap load -- loads bitmap from file (broken) bm_url -- loads bitmap from url bm_atlas_x -- splits bitmap to sprite sheet in x-direction bm_atlas_y -- splits bitmap to sprite sheet in y-direction bm_atlas_xy -- splits bitmap to sprite sheet in a grid border -- adds a simple border add_shape_border -- adds more complicated border sub -- bitmap's subarea alt -- choose a bitmap using a constant blit -- blit a bitmap blitFB -- blit a bitmap with mask blitBB -- blit a bitmap with boolean mask bm_scale -- scale a bitmap bm_fullscreen -- scale a bitmap to fullscreen interpolate -- fade a bitmap repeat -- repeat bitmap in x and y directions flip_x -- flip a bitmap in x direction flip_y -- flip a bitmap in y direction gradient -- draw a gradient chessboard -- draw a chessboard mandelbrot -- draw a mandelbrot fractal blur -- blur the image bm_world_from_bitmap -- create a 2d world bm_persistent_cache -- save bitmap to file and cache accesses through the file cbm_empty -- create empty continuous bitmap cbm_from_bitmap -- create continuous bitmap from bitmap cbm_to_bitmap -- create bitmap from continuous bitmap cbm_bicubic -- bicubic continuous bitmap cbm_sample -- sample continuous bitmap to produce a bitmap cbm_rotate -- rotate a continuous bitmap BoolBitmap emptybool -- create empty boolean bitmap bb_from_bitmap -- create boolean bitmap from color bitmap from_float_bitmap -- create boolean bitmap from float bitmap line -- draw a line tri -- draw a triangle circle -- draw circle rectangle -- draw rectangle part_circle -- draw angular part of a circle rings -- draw many rings (SLOW) not_bitmap -- not-operation on boolean bitmaps or_bitmap -- or-operation on boolean bitmaps xor_bitmap -- xor-operation on boolean bitmaps choose_bitmap -- choose operation bb_sprite -- sprite blitting to_bitmap -- convert bool bitmap to bitmap fb_dither -- dithering algorithm FloatBitmap emptyfloat -- create empty float bitmap from_red -- create float bitmap from red component of bitmap from_green -- create float bitmap from green component of bitmap from_blue -- create float bitmap from blue component of bitmap from_alpha -- create float bitmap from alpha component of bitmap bm_gaussian -- create float bitmap from a highlight bm_perlin -- create perlin noise bitmap to_grayscale_color -- convert float bitmap to grayscale bitmap choose_bitmap -- BROKEN from_bool -- convert boolean bitmap to float bitmap distance_field -- create distance field bitmap add_border -- adds some border PolygonApi empty -- create empty polygon load_model -- DO NOT USE load_model_all -- loads a polygon from .obj file.. DO NOT USE save_model -- saves .obj file p_alt -- choose polygon p_array -- array of polygons triangle -- draw a triangle to_triangles -- convert polygons to triangles quad -- draw a quad quad_x -- draw a quad quad_y -- draw a quad quad_z -- draw a quad quad_fullscreen -- draw a fullscreen quad polygon -- draw a polygon (convex) cube -- draw a cube rounded_cube -- draw rounded cube (SLOW) sphere -- draw a sphere disc -- draw a disc cone -- draw a cone torus -- draw a torus deform -- move some object's vertices if they're in specified area of the space linear_span -- create 3d object from lines by spanning li_to_cone -- substitute lines with cones static_instancing -- instancing operation with meshes static_inst_color -- instancing operation with bitmap grids color_map -- convert bitmap to 3d object color_map3 -- convert bitmap to 3d object with height information color_map3_cyl -- convert bitmap to 3d object with cylinder coordinates color_map3_sph -- convert bitmap to 3d object with spherical coordinates color -- choose color to 3d object. Changes whole color vertex array p_mix_color -- mix color from vertex arrays color_faces -- choose color for quad's vertices color_alpha -- choose alpha channel from color color_from_normals -- transform normals to colors color_from_texcoords -- transform texture coordinates to colors color_range -- change color values color_lambert -- lambert shading (BROKEN) recalc_normals -- recalculate normals using cross product spherical_normals -- choose normals coming from single point flip_normals -- change direction of normals p_offsets -- UNKNOWN color_grayscale -- make colours grayscale choose_texture -- choose which texture to render for this object texcoord -- manually specify texture coordinates for all faces texcoord_spherical -- spherical texture coordinates (BROKEN) p_or_elem -- combine two 3d objects p_or_array -- combile whole array of 3d objects translate -- move 3d object to different location (STATIC - not for animations) rotatex -- rotate 3d object rotatey -- rotate 3d object rotatez -- rotate 3d object scale -- scale 3d object shadow -- project 3d object vertices to a plane reflection -- mirror 3d object vertices from a plane subpoly_change -- change part of 3d object to different shape memoize -- function programming memoize for 3d objects persistent_cache -- caching 3d object to a file world_from_bitmap -- create a world from pieces p_to_bitmap -- render 3d object to a bitmap p_shading -- shading shader p_color -- color shader p_spotlight -- spotlight shader p_noise -- noise shader p_light -- lighter color shader p_toon -- toon shader shader -- fetch shaders ShaderApi sh_sphere -- sphere sh_cube -- cube sh_rcube -- rounded cube sh_texture -- texture map texture_box -- box around texture sh_line -- line sh_plane -- plane sh_torus -- torus sh_color -- color rot_x -- x rotation rot_y -- y rotation rot_z -- z rotation and_not -- boolean operation sh_or_elem -- combine two objects sh_blend -- combine with blending sh_trans -- translate bind_arg -- choose shader parameters color_from_normals -- choose color from normals stop_generation -- ... mix_color -- color mixing sh_grayscale -- grayscale color sh_noise -- noise ambient_occulsion -- colouring soft_shadow -- shadow bounding_primitive -- speed up distance field shaders render -- rendering v_render -- vertex shader rendering LinesApi li_points -- lines from points change_color -- color change change_color2 -- color change li_from_polygon -- convert 3d object to edge lines li_fur -- convert points to a fur li_rand_angle -- randomly move angle li_from_quads -- random lines from quad surfaces border_from_bool -- convert boolean bitmap to edge lines li_translate -- li_scalee -- li_product -- multiply two linesets li_split -- split lines to many lines li_twist -- twist lines li_update -- BROKEN c_line -- curve from 2 points c_circle_xy -- circle curve in xy plane c_circle_xz -- circle curve in xz plane c_circle_wave -- circular waveform c_linear -- curve from many points c_bezier -- bezier curve c_scale -- scale a curve c_trans -- translate curve c_compose -- connect two curves c_change_length -- length change c_split -- curve split c_sample -- convert curve to many 3d points c_render -- convert curve to lines c_product -- product of two curves pa_sample -- sample product pa_x -- x projection of a product pa_y -- y projection of a product cpp_sum -- sum cpp_sum2 -- sum PointsApi from_float_volume -- float volume to points or_points -- array of points concatenation move_pts -- translate points anim_mix_pts -- animated interpolation of points rot_x_pts -- rotate points rot_y_pts -- rotate points rot_z_pts -- rotate points scale_pts -- scale points color_pts -- choose point colors from_volume -- volumeobject to pts conversion shadow_points -- project points to a plane random_plane -- generate random points in a plane random_bitmap -- bool bitmap true area converted to random points random_quad -- 3d object faces to random points conversion pts_grid -- bitmap to points conversion pts_grid_bb -- bool bitmap to points conversion ms_from_points -- matrix generation from points ms_mult -- matrix multiplication for whole array ms_random_rot -- randomly rotate matrices ms_subarray -- choose subarray ms_from_lines_2d -- matrix from lines ms_static_inst -- static instancing with matrices MoveApi mn_empty -- identity matrix mn_custom -- ??? mn_translate -- move mn_scale -- scale mn_rotatex -- rotate mn_rotatey -- rotate mn_rotatez -- rotate anim_translate -- animated translate anim_scale -- animated scale anim_rotate -- animated rotate anim_compress -- compress animation anim_time -- change animation time anim_repeat -- make repeated animations anim_enable -- enable some elements in animation anim_disable -- disable some elements in animation anim_choose -- choose elements e anim_event -- ??? color_start -- ??? color_interpolate -- ?? sa_root -- skeletal animation tree root sa_node -- skeletal animation tree node move_x_ml -- move move_y_ml -- move move_z_ml -- move jump_ml -- jump tree_level -- recursive tree level tree -- recursive tree tree_p -- recursive tree (static) m_def -- default material m_texture -- texture material m_texture_arr -- texture array material m_skeletal -- skeletal animation material m_snow -- snow material m_flat -- flat shaded polygon material m_fur -- fur material m_choose_color -- color change material m_brashmetal -- metal surface m_web -- mesh edge lines m_dist_field -- distance field material m_dist_field_color -- distance field colors kf_mesh -- vertex animation mesh kf_lines -- vertex animation lines kf_bind -- vertex animation operations kf_repeat -- repeated vertex animation kf_curve -- make vertex move in a curve kf_rot -- make vertices rotate ptt_empty -- empty ptt ptt_trans_s -- translate in constant speed ptt_trans_d -- translate certain distance ptt_scale_s -- scale in constant speed ptt_scale_d -- scale distance PointApi point -- constructor of PT type move -- move a point mix -- interpolate points cmd_def -- commands start (wasd and . in the string) cmd_repeat -- repeated commands cmd_rotate -- rotate command sequences cmd_to_pts -- commands to points cmd_to_li -- commands to lines vx_empty -- empty voxel vx_sub -- subvoxel vx_landscape_bm -- create voxel from float bitmap vx_or_elem -- combine voxels vx_blit -- convert volume object to voxel vx_inst -- voxel converted to data structure needed for instancing vx_render -- rendering voxel vx_bind -- rendering voxel with material vx_static -- static instancing version of voxel rendering VectorApi vector -- constructor of vector player -- choose player enemy -- choose enemy player_pos -- set player position enemy_pos -- set enemy positions VolumeApi o_from_bool_bitmap -- create volumeobect from bool bitmap o_sphere -- sphere volume o_cube -- cube volume o_torus -- torus volume o_mandelbrot -- 3d mandelbrot fractal o_mandelbulb -- 3d mandelbulb fractal (BROKEN) o_colour -- set volumeobject colours o_subset_color -- set partial colour values o_move -- translate volume object o_rotatex -- rotate o_rotatey -- rotate o_rotatez -- rotate o_scale -- scale o_notop -- boolean not operation for whole space o_minop -- intersection operation o_maxop -- union operation o_andnot -- andnot operation im_sphere -- implicit function sphere im_blob -- implicit function blob im_translate -- move im_from_distance -- convert distance field to implicit function im_distance_cyl -- convert distance field to implicit function cylindar im_distance_sph -- convert distance field to implicit function spherical im_render_upper -- render upper plane of implicit function im_render_lower -- render lower plane of implicit function im_upper_color -- colours of upper plane im_lower_color -- colours of lower plane FVolumeApi fo_from_volume -- float volume object from volume object fo_from_fbm -- float volume object from float bitmap fo_move -- translate fo_min -- intersection fo_max -- union fo_min_distance -- ??? fo_subvolume -- choose range from float values fo_interpolate -- interpolate float volumes fo_smooth -- smooth combination of float volumes fo_normal -- set normal direction setup_normal -- render normals fd_sphere -- cpu side distance fields sphere fd_cube -- distance field cube fd_round_cube -- rounded cube fd_torus -- torus fd_line -- line fd_min -- intersection fd_max -- union fd_and_not -- andnot operation fd_blend -- blend operation fd_color -- set colour fd_trans -- move fd_rot_x -- rotate fd_rot_y -- rotate fd_rot_z -- rotate fd_normal -- set normal fd_recalc_normals -- calculate normals fd_amb_occul -- ambient occulsion fd_render2 -- render to a bitmap fd_render_bm -- render to a bitmap with parameters fd_render_cyl_p -- render to a 3d object cylinder coordinates fd_render_sph_p -- render to a 3d object spherical coordinates CVolumeApi cov_from_fo -- colour volume object from float volume cov_from_o -- colour volume object from volume object cov_from_cbm -- colour volume object from continuous bitmap cov_mix -- mix colours cov_color_from_normal -- choose colour from normals FontApi FI_load -- load font from url FI_drawtext -- draw text string bm_array_id -- bitmap array identity function bm_chooser -- choose bitmap dynamically ml_chooser -- choose mainloop dynamically if_timed -- timing if_repeat -- repeat if_keypress -- bind keypresses dynamically TextureApi (use m_texture instead from MoveApi) tex_plane -- texture plane tex_bitmap -- bitmap to texture conversion tex_assign -- assign a texture bitmap tex_coord -- texture position get_tex_coord -- get position tx_to_bitmap -- find texture bitmap BooleanOps create_bo -- create object suitable for boolean operations cube_bo -- cube sphere_bo -- sphere or_elem_bo -- combine two objects to single object and_not_bo -- andnot operation intersect_bo -- intersection to_poly -- convert bo to mesh to_volume -- convert bo to volume to_dist -- convert bo to distance field WaveformApi wv_empty -- empty waveform wv_step -- step waveform wv_sin -- sin waveform wv_gaussian -- gaussian waveform wv_sum -- sum waveforms wv_move -- move waveform wv_scale -- scale waveform wv_rot_poly -- convert waveform to 3d object wv_cubic -- cubic waveform wv_repeat -- repeat waveform wv_set_length -- set length of waveform wv_bitmap -- convert waveform to bitmap for displaying it MainLoopApi skybox_ml -- skybox alt_ml -- choose from multiple ml's. array_ml -- use multiple ml's simultaniously seq_ml -- sequence one ml after another timed_tmp_seq -- sequence with timing collision_ml -- collision detection move_ml -- move 3d objects based in animated matrices repeat_ml -- repeated playing of the sequences bm_render -- render bitmap bm_2d -- use 2d rendering sp_render -- sprite rendering sp_render_inst -- instaced sprite rendering sp_render_fade -- instances sprite rendering appear/disappear p_render -- 3d object rendering p_render_inst -- instanced 3d object rendering p_render_inst_fade -- instanced 3d object rendering appear/disappear p_render_inst2 -- BROKEN pts_prepare -- prepare points pts_render -- render points (HAVE PROBLEMS IN EMSCRIPTEN BUILD) li_prepare -- prepare lines li_render -- render lines o_to_pts -- convert volume object to points o_render -- render volume object m_bind -- render 3d object with material m_bind_inst -- instanced rendering of 3d object with material m_fade_inst -- instanced rendering of 3d object with material appear/disappear rot_x_ml -- rotate based on key rot_y_ml -- rotate based on key rot_z_ml -- rotate based on key enable_ml -- enable/disable displaying of drawing color_ml -- choose color wasd_ml -- wasd keyboard input key_activate_ml -- single keypress input tmp_key_activate_ml -- keypress changes position temporarily comb_key_activate_ml -- key combinations key_printer_ml -- print keycodes to std::cout skeletal_bind -- skeletal animation drawing skeletal_material -- skeletal animation drawing with materials tree_ml -- recursive tree rendering kf_render -- vertex animation rendering song_ml -- play ogg file blk_window -- create window and run event loop