When you've designed 3d model and some animations with gameapi builder, it's time to move the animation to your own web server. Here's how to do that: 1)Installation * download a zip file http://meshpage.org/gameapi_display.zip * unzip the zip file to your web host 2) Choosing animation to play * Press CodeGen button in builder to get a script outputted to stdout. (note, last node should be run_window, with RUN as the return type) * copy-paste the script to gameapi_example.html file (there's explicit section for that) * Change the homepage url in gameapi_example.html to point to your web hosting space address (this will allow the script file to download its urls) 3) Rename the gameapi_example.html file to whatever .html file name you want to use. 4) Write load_url.php script which loads other urls: you will get your animation shown in a web page, and the script loads urls from the web and renders animation to screen. 6) Now that you have files correctly installed, you should check the web server configuration. Basically .htaccess file might need something like this: (depending on your server setup) Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "https://meshpage.org" Header set Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy "require-corp" Header set Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy "same-site" Header set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy "same-origin" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "range" these lines ensure that the engine can access all the data needed, for example pthread support requires site isolation, and that needs the require-corp and same-site settings. pthreads are used to speed up loading times. (the https://meshpage.org probably should be changed to your own web hosting location)